Best Find Ever
Have you seen this? Have you tried this? If not, you are missing out. It works. It works.....and it's FREE and LEGAL. I was so exci...
Another room remodeled
So this remodel project is what has taken me away from blogging and other various activites for the last little while. I decided I had to ...
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Pass the Pig
Holy Cow it's been a long time since I have been on here. I took a little break to do some painting/remodeling, and then just needed t...
A permanent snowball
So here we the days past the festivities of Christmas. Where all houses have taken the lights down, put the wreaths away and we a...
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What to do with all those cards
I LOVE getting Christmas cards from all of my friends and family. It's always good to hear from those who we love and see the cute pic...
Christmas Countdown
So we are all ready to start counting down to the most magical day of the year. In years past, we have done this in many different ways. ...
Bring on the Elf
By now most of us are gearing up for the holiday season. I know I have been searching for ideas. I came across this idea during the summer...
An Indoor Snowball Fight
Who doesn't love a snowball fight? Being outside in the freezing cold, getting pummeled with icy cold "rock" like objects th...
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