Command Center

It's always nice to have one central place to run a home and your lives smoothly.  Until now, we have had no reason to really need one other than a personal calendar to remind myself of crazy work schedules.  But now with kids in school (year round school with crazy breaks and holidays), piano and tumbling lessons, soccer and birthday parties, we can no longer get ourselves by with just a little pocketbook calendar.  And I am NO good at all this electronic updating and such.  So, I was inspired to create our very own "command" center where my husband and I could stay up to the minute with the crazy thing we call LIFE. 

I took a wall in my kitchen (the only available wall really) and posted important things on it.  My kid's school schedule so we are aware of when we are on break and when we need to go back. 

A to do list so that I can solicit help from others once in a while....and a great idea from a fantastic friend of mine, a shout out to Launie, a menu.  This way we can write down our planned out meals for the week and shop accordingly. Hopefully this will prevent fruit and veggie rot and help with budgeting too.  We just update weekly or as needed using a dry erase marker.  When we have accomplished our task, simply grab a paper towel and wipe it off.

After living with this for 7 days now, I can see an improvement in how things function around here.  No more rescheduling, forgetting or guessing.

And that provides me with a little more time for enjoying!

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